In Brooklyn, Friday Night Rites for Witches

Damon Stang, whom Mr. English affectionately calls the “shop witch,” is the resident tarot card reader. Mr. Stang, a 30-year-old South African, is the founder of Kings County Coven No. 1, and he leads the Witches’ Compass series with Katelan Foisy on each full moon.

“There’s been a magical revival happening in New York City for two to three years,” Mr. Stang said. “I think it’s a nostalgia that people have for a sense of enchantment with the world.”

Athena Dugan, 51, who came from Lincoln Square to play the drums during the ceremony, said the long trip was worth it. “The connection I get when I’m here, and the trueness and honesty that it creates to being pagan, Wiccan, is here,” she said. “The minute I walk in, it’s like I’m stepping into a different world.”

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Religion News & Commentary, Other Faiths, Religion & Culture, Urban/City Life and Issues, Wicca / paganism

One comment on “In Brooklyn, Friday Night Rites for Witches

  1. Emerson Champion says:

    [blockquote]Athena Dugan […] said. “The minute I walk in, it’s like I’m stepping into a different world.”[/blockquote] She indeed is stepping into a different world — the world of Satan. Prayers for deliverance are in order for these misguided folks.